

Practices of Ecosexuality and Sex-Positive Education – UPR Mayaguez, Feb 2-3, 2017


Warm greetings from Puerto Rico.

Can #EcosexualLove help to #resist multiple assaults on the Earth and its all its people?

Does allowing nature to inspire the arts of love help to create #consent and #unity, as we negotiate ways to share the partner we all share an need?

The Symposium #PracticesOfEcosexuality addresses these questions and many more.

Presentations, workshops, panels, poetry, cinema are free of charge and open to the public.

Share about and join this unique event not to be missed. We look forward to welcoming you!

Dates: Feb 2-3. Practices of Ecosexuality and Sex-Positive Education: A Symposium.

Time: 10 AM to 6:30 PM.

Where: UPRM (Colegio), Salon Tarzan (Anexo a la Cafeteria).

Free of charge and open to the public.

Check the Program-at-a-Glance below and click on the link for the complete Program. Enjoy.

Description: This symposium is designed to educate participants about the role of ecosexuality in helping humans to reconnect our metabolism to the partner we all share: the Earth, and design unscripted amorous lives that appreciate the beauty and health of natural surroundings.

The symposium also focuses on the skills people use in communicating their desires to others, in negotiating partnership that all participants enjoy, and in agreeing upon practices of love that are totally consensual and appreciated by all parties.

Over 20 guest speakers, presenters, facilitators are donating their time and expertise.

Guests are coming from far away locations including the ancient Mediterranean island of Malta, Montreal, Canada, and Portland, Oregon, and from numerous locations in Puerto Rico, including the Area Metro and the Area Oeste.

They are activists, students, professionals, teachers, practitioners, poets, professors, artists, and much more.

Bring your own water and favorite foods for the day.

View and download the complete Program here.


View and download the Program-at-a-Glance herehttp://serenagaia.org/…/PES-Progr-at-a-Glance-Pics-P1-2…


This event was held in conjunction with Playa Azul I Love You 2, a day long beach gathering of Ecosexual Love that also resulted in a documentary film, Playa Azul I Love You, which you are welcome to enjoy  HERE.

For more about that three event series on the beach go here: https://ecosexlove.org/te-amo-playa-azul-i-love-you-3-2017/

Enjoy and thank you!


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